Don't strain your eyes too hard, okay? Those pictures in the comic the kid is reading aren't the least bit naughty, so you can put your magnifying glass away.
Fred's original strip had just empty panel outlines, so I thought I'd indulge myself and throw some actual pictures in there, in line with the theme of the strip.
You got it, jack - those are all pictures of the one, the only, the legendary Lynda Carter in her most memorable role, that of Wonder Woman. How's that for a legacy?
This strip is kind of timely too, since there's increased talk of a new Wonder Woman feature, complete with rumours of Sandra Bullock playing the lead. I'll go out on a limb here and say that it's unlikely she'll recruit pal Matthew McConaughey to play Steve Trevor; it's hard to reconcile the required military uniform with that whole getting-arrested-while-playing-bongos-naked incident.
Looking at the above strip, I can't help but wonder about the number of people out there who this strip really hits home with. Let's face it, comics were aimed primarily at the adolescent boy market, and somebody was buying enough Wonder Woman comics to keep the darn title in print…
- NP